Type Tag Tag defines the semantic tag of the type element. Important Notes: When semantics is independent of visual styles, the flexibility allows content authors to create all kinds of text layout. The tag prop only controls semantics, no visual styles are being defined. Use <span> for inline text. Inline text can be nested inside another type element. Use <p>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, or <div> for block text. General HTML rules apply here, do not nest block text inside inline text or another block text unless it is a generic <div>. Demo

This type element is a level 4 heading. No styles are defined so this looks like plain text.

{% include '@bolt-elements-type/type.twig' with {
  content: 'This type element is a level 4 heading. No styles are defined so this looks like plain text.'
  tag: 'h4',
} only %}
<h4 class="e-bolt-type">This type element is a level 4 heading. No styles are defined so this looks like plain text.</h4>